The Federal High Duchess of Foreign and Geographic Functions, on the service of Her Supreme Sovereign Majesty’s Government of the Heavenly Queendom, Veracaelestial Realm and Hrizrilmbrihwesk Hypseriojoyorisquireyonp Kingdom of  AaaAaaAaagwerthrhiaeiouywmsharewfqifhouthbreamvrijrihrihezzutqaowhypseririlmharielthepshrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiohyperhyjehrium, the Aletian Community of Nations and Imperial Aletian Union, Ethelenia Gennomuseia Fluvechryson, Realm of the Blest, Abode of The True Light, Home of The Arts and United Heavenly Realms of Ethelenia Major Suprematranscendent Above and Beyond Aeille, the Transcendental Planes of Iethrijwelthia-Hyzerjiond-Rheiiiyhriiijhrreistrriehr-Iiiirisiwishaaairhojjenywhr, and the Supremasupremasupremasupremasupremasupremasuperscendent Superlative Supreme Superlime Hitherto Insuperable Supremacies of The Transupremascendent-O Brithiosarel-Hrezwiwimbcheruilb, the Perfected Superlatively Supreme Transuperscendent Transuperscenditude and Hih Higher Continuous Ad Metaparahyperpollyinfinitum, and the Infinite Pancosmic Omniverse of Paejieherhaaaiyurthipbriwjrihrihypseriojoyorishyperhypsisthippiwishyperium in association with the University of Verlanium, Faculty of Philosophy hereby wish all friends and sisters-in-the-faith and ourselves Felicit Delecta Veneris, Eletajrissen Delecta Veneris, Merry Delecta Veneris, Fastorpreihisk Mekelentanoc Maegopzect Thaleyahewhwemt Chesperimg and ask for a pretty or beautiful European/Eurogen/Scando-Atlantean Caucasian White lady between the ages of 25 and 55 to be our romantic date on Delecta Veneris, Ethelenia’s version of Valentine’s Day sacred to Venus, Aphrodite and Venessia Aphrodithea, call us 65-84014686 or 65-85153011 to arrange. We welcome all girls and women in this category, as long as she is not a scam, and is really who she claims to be, it does not matter what her hair or eye colour is, her background, her creed and her health or disability, also Beltane sona, maith agus lúcháireach,
Beltane hapus, da a llawen, Glucklich und Frohliches Walpurgisnacht, Happy foreign Mother’s Day, 中華文明界和皇國大贏江山旭陽皇帝真龍天子靈源皇后真鳳天女祈求天后西王母女媧嫦娥斗母天美神娘天緣女神觀音賜福清明聖禮安全健康端午節國泰民安衛賽節立地成佛. We also ask for Divine Blessings from Mam bandia Bríd Triple, Danu, Coventina, Arianrhod, Cerridwen, Rosmerta, bandia Morrigan Mam Dduwies Brigid Duwies Driphlyg, Danu, Coventina, Arianrhod, Cerridwen, Rosmerta, Duwiesau Morrigan, Iuno dea matrimonii, Regina coeli, Diana, Venus, dea, et est amor, Camenis etim Novae Inspiratione Θεότητες της χαράς, Χαρίτων Αγλαΐα, Θάλεια, Ευφροσύνη, το θεές έμπνευσης και δημιουργίας στην τέχνη, Μουσών, Καλλιόπη, Κλειώ, Ευτέρπη, Ερατώ, Μελπομένη, Πολύμνια, Τερψιχόρη, Θάλεια και η Ουρανία, θεά του έρωτα, Αφροδίτη, θεά της Μαγεία, Εκάτη, Ολυμπιακές θεές Αθηνά, Άρτεμις, Ήρα, Εστία και Δήμητρα και Θεοί Υπερβολικές Ευρυνούμ, Κυβέλη, Ρέα, Γαία και Μοριά, Κλόθο, Λάχεσις και Άτροπος., Goddeses Supreme and Almighty. First, this is Year 332 of Techno-Industrial Civilization which dates from the first publication of Newton’s Principia in 1688, Anthropocene Age, 1432 in the Islamic Calendar, which means it is time for a Renaissance in the Muslim World, led by Egypt, Iraq, Turkey , Qatar, UAE and Iran, in which there is genuine interest in the pre-Islamic past, and some persons secretly at first worship Isis, Nut, Neith, Hathor, Hauhet in Egypt, Ishtar-Innana in Iraq, Kamrusepas and Cybele in Turkey, and Allat, al-Uzza, Al-Menat in Arabia,  and Anahita in Iran, published in Turkish, Arabic, Persian and Malay for domestic consumption, which would also mean an end to terrorism, and increasing secularization in the Muslim World based on In God we doubt. It is also not good to classify people on the basis of religious labels, as that is one-dimensional thinking.  It is better to assess the Thoeotheo, the view of God: It is better to ask , if the person declares they are Christian, Muslim or Jewish, What is God to you? Is God a policeman and judge? Is God the ultimate source of spiritual mysticism? Is God the impossible Ideal of human aspiration, Is God the Prime Mover and Creator only, but leaves the world to evolve according to the rules of physics, or is God the good Samaritan who helps everyone afflicted with unconditional love or Aleyamionwen? It is also better to ask those who declare they are Pagan-Wiccan, Buddhist-Taoist, Hindu-Jain and Shinto, their Theathea or View of Goddess: Who is Goddess to you? Only a personification of the moon, the earth and woman in general? Or is She the Creatrix of the Universe, the Genetrix of All that is? Is She a Mother? Is She a teacher? Is She a Warrior?  Is She just the personification of Nature? Is Your Goddess, Daskala, Custodia, Muse, Grace or Transcendent Allat and Isis?How Real is She? How Real is He? In 2-dimensional thinking, we think of people as unique and complex individuals. In 3-dimensional thinking, we see the world as the sum total and more than the sum total of all individual people, animals, plants, things and machines. The fallacy of science and scientific method, is that they assume the universe is uniform, the same everywhere, they also assume the universe is a vast machine, and everything in it is a a machine, and they also assume a bottom-up generation of complexity, in which Nothing made the universe, and eventually, everything in the universe and the universe itself will return to nothing. But that is not the reality. The GYR universe is everywhere, as in The Celestial Realm is within you, above, you, over you, beyond you, and all around you, not in monuments of wood and stone. Look into your heart and you can find me, dispel the illusion of nothingness and mechanility and I am here. The GYR universe is in dark matter and dark energy, in quantum spookiness, in black holes which are the exit point of one universe, and the entry or origin point of another universe, Riew is everywhere, in everything, and Supernatural Magic GYR is Very Real. Magic is in the uniqueness of special points in spacetime; it is in the Soul of psychic phenomena, and the Soul that is everlasting beyond death. The Divine, the Celestial and the Transcendent clearly made Reality, and to the Perfect State of Paradise all return. Therefore, Prozac and Olanzepine are the opium of the masses. Psychiatry or Phrenochemistry is very classist. The rich do not need sedation, the poor do, to prevent them from revolting. Blessed art thou who seeth that which is not there, as that is Genius, not a disease. Blessed art thou who heareth what is not there, as that also is Genius, not a disease? Phrenochemistry blocks the brain from psychic abilities. Blessed art thou who seeth what is not there, for thine is the Celestial Realm. Blessed art thou who heareth what are not there, for thine is the Prophecy, Inspiration and Clairvoyant Perception of the prophets and sages of antiquity. Blessed are the meek, for you shall inherit the earth, blessed are the pure in heart, for you shall see Goddess, Blessed art thou when all men persecute you, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets, bards, ovates and visionaries who came before you, all came from the School of Isis 683 BCE, and was later plagiarized by the Christians who worship a mortal man who murdered his rival in the faith and chopped off his head to serve the princess on a silver platter, and was executed by Roman justice, who died, and that was the end of him. At Easter, the Goddess returns from the underworld, Persephone becomes Kore, and is reunited with Demeter, Innana ascends, and returns to Heaven to rule as Heaven’s Most Beloved. Gaia reawakens the earth to vernal promise and vernal splendour. Do not be too alarmed by the plague, and await thy resurrection from the darkness at Easter. Blessed be. ©Bibliotheum Ethelenica 4 Floraea 17000000013, 71000017, 11 Primiera, Hwimxjaremt  Hrithaejmimtrawimct 771845.

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