AVE Presents

The Global Conservation Authority and Civilication of Human Arts and Sciences, Mathematics and Technologies, Religions and Philosophies



The ensuing philosophical dissertation and scientific discourse contains highly educational material and has been approved for all intelligent and civilized readers of all age groups worldwide.


GCA NATURE SPECIAL Bhean Beltain, Happy Labour Day, Felicit Bacchanalia in Calendae Maiesta/Prima Caelestia Solemnit



  1. Once Science has reached the finite horizons of empirical knowledge and reasoning, the only way ahead may lie in feeling in awe and wonder before the mysteries of speculative and meditative Art, metaphysical and ontological Philosophy, Religious and Spiritual Realities on higher planes of existence and Supernatural Magic from Those Who Created all within The Infinite Pancosmic Omniverse of Being and Becoming, Existence and Ideal and Promotion and Progress towards Superior Levels of Reality and Creative Pleroma.
  2. We should not allow politics to colour our perception of the truth. So what if mankind in the contemporary sense turns out to be comprised of 2 genera and 6 species? So much the greater cause of celebration in human diversity. At the same time, R Frost quipped “Good fences make good neighbours.” But far more important than human diversity in the physical body is human diversity in the realms of mind and conscious feeling and knowing, languages and cultures and creativity in ideas and ideals.
  3. What if both the climate change apologists who put the blame on man’s folly and the climate change skeptics who put the blame on nature’s caprice are both right? Can civilized people continue to quarrel without doing anything when the sun gets hotter and hotter and the atmosphere grows thicker and thicker with pollutants and the net result is the end of the world in fire and flood and the extinction of techno-industrial civilization as we know it, if not of mankind itself? Atlantis would then not be history but a prophecy of an apocalyptic future that will happen in every young person’s lifetime today?
  4. Yesterday evening we were attacked by a flying horde of isopterae dorii apollyoneis. It is time the chemical and biological sciences wake up to the pressing need to try to make extinct insects which harm us, like mosquitoes and bedbugs or our Civilication and culture, like isoptera and wood-boring beetles. At the same time insectivores like pangolins and other types of anteater including the monotreme echidna should be usefully recruited and deployed in old estates in the Singaporean equatorial tropics to keep the isopteran population under control. Pangolins have a far more useful role to play as preservers of literary civilization herein than to be roasted to extinction as an aphrodisiac delicacy in Vietnam.
  5. Perhaps it is ethically offensive and culturally repugnant to truly enlightened sensibilities to eat both chordate and vertebrate animals and angiosperms and gymnosperms, i.e. flowering plants and coniferous trees. But mankind’s omnivorous appetite might concur with their collective conscience if we explore using bugs which harm our Civilication  and germs which harm us as potential food sources of the near future, where bacteria, viruses, algae, protozoans and selected arthropods, coelenterates and echinoderms domesticated, biologically modified and synthetically processed make an excellent and delicious range of food items, complete in nutritional requirements of the active and growing human body, supplemented by truly organically grown and raised fruits, milk, mushrooms, nuts, honey, cereals and eggs from free ranging domestic fowl, we can all keep our consciences happy and our bellies satisfied at the same time.
  6. Perhaps the books, newsprint and periodicals of the near future would be made of a smart fusion of metallic substances, enhancing greater durability and fortified integrity of cultural materiel from the traditional threats of fire, insects and fungi and by forswearing paper trees would be saved and reforestation of the planet truly take off by leaps and bounds.
  7. Anthropomorphic robots may make excellent ideal surrogate friends and mates or sinister and dangerous fiends and foes but if robotics designers deliberately prevent anthropomorphization from ruining the social fabric, we could all enjoy and appreciate robots for what they truly are: dynamic computers which move in 3 dimensions and serve us as sophisticated mobile tools and utensils. As non-anthropomorphic servants, they are the first key to solving the aging crisis without resorting to immigration.
  8. I believe governments should not ban experimental research on human cloning, because cloning using your own stem cells is truly the age-old mystical and alchemical quest for personal immortality come true, where after your aged and infirm body gives way after your seventies and eighties, what better way to transfer the conscious and intrinsically eternal and everlasting soul than to be guided into a younger version of yourself or born again as yourself through assisted reproduction techniques? This is the second key to solving the aging crisis without resorting to importing foreigners from baby boom countries.
  9. The sun, our star and all the kinetic movements of ourselves and our vehicles in the course of the day are all the perfectly ethical, aesthetically ideal and conscientiously fulfilling sources of energy we shall ever need to power the demands of this techno-industrial civilization. Satellites can orbit the sun’s outer atmosphere and relay powerful electromagnetic radiation through concentrated telescopic laser beams to remote transmission stations on Mercury and Venus, or space stations orbiting them and finally relayed to centralized power stations on earth. Let’s make good practical use of modified radio telescopes. Smart digital probes of the human body’s kinetic energy in walking, running, dancing, swimming and other kinds of exercise as well as digital sensors under all pavements and roads could harness the kinetic energy of moving people and vehicles which can be converted into electromagnetic signals in the urban or national grids. Fossil fuels and nuclear plants are history.
  10. The third and last key to solving the aging crisis without resorting to the Pandora’s box of unlimited immigration is simply LOVE, THE GREATEST GOOD, THE HIGHEST DIVINE GIFT, THE SUPREME POWER OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT shall once again be promoted by governments worldwide, championed by all religious leaders and devotees and flourish, not as a commercial industry but a completely natural and free good, like air and fresh water. All it needs is for feminists to give up individualism and champion heterosexual love which works for the greatest good of both individuals in the couple, and for patriarchal misogynists to give up on sexism and individualism and champion heterosexual love which works as a partnership of equals in perfect trust, and unconditional sincere friendship, for colleges and industries to promote the meeting and blossoming friendship of young people in the prime of their life as a fundamental human right in CCA or ECA and a universal job benefit wherein parental leave, and courtship leave of absence from economic labour and essential duty is a universal human right cherished and protected by all countries bar none. Whilst we no longer bash perverts, we must return to enhancing, promoting and revitalizing heterosexual love which truly works and remember with the greatest good and highest pleasure comes the price of sheer hard work, resolute determination and true grit. Finally, when children are conceived, they are the property of the community, the planet, the cosmos and Civilication, not yours, mother-to-be, nor yours father-in waiting. Decisions on abortion and when it is allowed should be made by elected leaders and hereditary rulers or legislative assemblies which truly reflect the will of the people. Love is the law, Love under Will.  As we consummate this Deccameron Special of vernal delights, let us be apprised of Shakespeare. ‘There are more things in Heaven and on earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”



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